WAVE Trading

Server Rules

Rule 1 - Be Respectful and Kind

Treat all members in our community with respect and kindness. Any form of harassment or bullying is not tolerated. Toxic behavior will result in a permanent ban from our server.

Rule 2 - Promotions and Spam

We do not tolerate any kinds of promotions of referral links, advertising or spamming.

Rule 3 - Conversations

To keep our server organized, please keep conversations in the appropriate channels. Conversations should be had in the designated channels.

Rule 4 - Suggestions and Feedback

We value feedback and suggestions from our community members. If you have any ideas, please reach out to one of our support members. For feedback, please feel free to leave a testimonial in the discord server and on Whop!

Rule 5 - No Sharing of WAVE Trading's Intellectual Property

This includes all of the alerts, resources and messages found within our discord server and Whop.

Rule 6 - Follow Discord's Terms of Service

Members must follow Discord's Terms Of Service and Community Guidelines.

Love trading but hate losing money? It's time to elevate and become a winner.

Learn how to trade through the use of technical analysis, price action and order flow.

WAVE Trading 2024 | All rights reserved.

Love trading but hate losing money? It's time to elevate and become a winner.

Learn how to trade through the use of technical analysis, price action and order flow.

WAVE Trading 2024 | All rights reserved.

Love trading but hate losing money? It's time to elevate and become a winner.

Learn how to trade through the use of technical analysis, price action and order flow.

WAVE Trading 2024 | All rights reserved.